So, Christmas was pretty good for Lily.
I didn't think she'd be able to open gifts, but she tore right into them. We just had to keep taking paper away from her so she wouldn't get fascinated by one strip and forget the rest.
She got several things from my mom, and three things from Kyle and I. I got her a chatterphone because I'd been meaning to get her one...and kept forgetting. Its to work on her finger dexterity. Then, I got her two one-dollar hats. I got those mainly because I wanted something I could crumble up in paper to surprise her with. He bought the tissue paper that she tore into.
I want a rocker. I want one so badly it isn't funny. Rather that bring her clear downstairs into bright light for every feeding, I'd like to just be able to sit in her room and rock her and feed her.
Hopefully I can get one when I get my tax return. Kyle promised to get me one, but he promised that before she was even Not going there.
We were working on standing today. Lily has issues with standing. She will lock her legs and promptly bend at the waist. Today was the first time she managed to lock her legs and stand up perfectly straight. She can't do it for very long, but its a definite improvement.
I've also given her tummy a break today, and not tubed her at all. I just let her take her time with her bottle. She actually finishes 90 percent of it on her own if I just let her do it at her pace. She also has gotten mashed potatoes. She absolutely loves them.
Kyle's in Dayton tonight, so its just me and Lils at home. I'm taking the opportunity to touch up my roots. There are just certain things I don't do when he's around, and that's one of them. I get tired of the smart ass remarks.
I have a feeling I'm going to be pulling her into bed with me. I hate sleeping alone.
She has been digging tummy time lately. Its so strange. Today she laid on her tummy, craned her neck up, and watched several minutes of Supernatural with me. I loved it. I put her on her ladybug, and she goes 'round and 'round on it. Its cute.
I can't wait until Jan 18th. That is when we have her neurology appointment, and we find out more about that corpus callosum thing. I can't believe how much it scares me. I think it scares me more than her heart problem ever did.
I've got black satin sheets on the bed tonight. Maybe I shouldn't have Lily sleep with me. She might slide right off the bed. LOL!