Today was a Typical day. By that I mean this was one of those days where Lily's illness did not intrude at all. I felt like she was a Typical 2 year old. Annoying, bratty, loveable, smart-mouthed, affectionate...
When I went to pick her up today, she immediately ran towards me with a "That's mommy! Hi mommy!" When we were ready to go, she demanded "Pee-shur" (Pediasure) in her cup, and asked where daddy was.
By the time we were in the car, I'd already assured her four times that she could have Pediasure as soon as we got home, and yes she would see Daddy. Yes, she would see Posey...and yes, Mommy was driving Daddy's car.
When I took her to the store with me (after she graciously consented that we could 'see store' before we saw Daddy), it was an exercise in patience. When we stepped inside the first set of doors, and crossed to get a cart, the fan that they had running blew her hair back a bit. "Owwww..." There was no way it hurt. It took a second to figure out she was saying oww about. As soon as we got inside the store proper, it was "Can-nee? Can-nee?" Yes, Lily, we can get candy. In the candy aisle, when asked what candy she wanted to get - "Can-nee, take a bite!" Thank you, Lily, you were utterly unhelpful.
We got candy. She wanted a piece. I must have repeated fifteen times that she could have a piece as soon as we got home. We start to head towards the fruits and veg section. "Apples? Apple? Apple pie?" WTH? Where'd she get this apple pie thing from? And then it was back to wanting a piece of the candy again. I don't mind buying her candy. I probably give her more candy than I should. I dare anyone to say anything about it though. She's sick, so she can have candy if she freaking wants it. My child, my rules. Don't like it? There's a cliff. Go jump. Without a parachute.
Now, that's not to say I don't have any rules with her, or that she gets her way all the time. She most certainly does not. In fact, I'd say she only gets her way about half of the time.
We're in the check-out lane, and she's progressed to fussing about the candy. Cue me dramatically saying "Oh my god. End of the world. You aren't getting your candy right this second. Call children services, someone, I'm obviously neglecting my toddler!" .... Now I know where Lily gets her penchant for Drama. Me. Distraction time - I give her my debit card and my store card to play with while I'm talking with the cashier. Lily stares at the debit card. "Money? P'astic?" Yes, Lily, that's mommy's debit card.
We make it home. I ask her to help me carry some groceries in. Well, the groceries made it okay - just barely. The bag itself was almost ripped to shreds by the time she got it to the steps. When I went back for a second load, it was "Mommy - Come back here! NO MOMMY! NO! Come back here!" Trying to explain that I was just going for the rest of the groceries was an exercise in futility.
Fast forward a bit - I'm hot, sticky, and miserable. I ask Lily if she wants to take a bath with me. Cue Lily starting to strip right in the middle of the living room, and going for the stairs instantly. "Take a baff? Take a baff?" Yep, we'll take a bath right this second, I guess.
Lily hates for me to wash my hair. I don't quite understand why, but if I don't talk to her the entire time I'm washing my hair, reassuring her that I"m okay - she freaks out.
Dora? Dora? Doraboots? Doraboots and Sesame Street? Noodles?
Ok, night-night fan. Night-night mommy.
...and quiet falls.
I love days like today.